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The Lithic Microwear Research Laboratories

The Lithic Microwear Research Laboratory grew from little more than a bench in a corridor at the University of Sheffield in the 1990s to a facility at the University of Bradford in the 2000s. With the move of the School of Archaeological and Forensic Sciences to the Richmond Building in 2012, the Head of School made the decision that there was not enough space to support the Laboratory further. The facility was given some space within the Fragmented Heritage project laboratory for a few years before it was taken private by Dr Randolph Donahue.

Privatization gave greater flexibility to the staff and allowed for expansion to laboratories  operating in the United Kingdom, Italy, and the United States. While the Lithic Microwear Research Laboratory is quite young, Dr Donahue has over 35 years of experience in lithic microwear analysis beginning with his training with the late Dr Lawrence Keeley in 1981. Over 60 microwear projects have been or are currently being performed by laboratory staff including Dr Donahue and Dott. Burroni. These projects are presented geographically (see World Map) and are listed in the  publications and reports page.

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